Nobody Doesn't Like Harry Reid
This doesn't make much sense to me. To be fair, I'm not an expert on Harry Reid, maybe there's more than meets the eye. But even if there is, the fact that you have to look hard at all is the problem. For a party just relegated to an even shallower minority and searching for its voice, what is the sense in choosing an inconspicuous inside-ballplayer as our foremost elected official? Would it not be better to nominate someone who is more of a national figure? Someone who can impose discipline? Someone who has an agenda to articulate? Someone who can inspire? I guess that would make too much sense.
I see your point, and while it's something I'd considered, I think that the persona of congressional leadership is more important than their ideology. A behind-the-scenes type like Reid would be ideal if Kerry had won: he'd get the work done on the Hill without rivaling the head honcho for attention or the leadership of the party. But in the wake of Kerry's loss, Reid's ascension will only encourage intra-party battles and damage the Democrats' visibility when they need it the most.
do you mean sara lee?
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