
Easy Answer

Bush's choice for Powell's successor is revealing on a few levels.

First, it couldn't be more clear that it's a political choice. Immediately replacing the foremost prominent African-American on the national security team with the secondmost prominent is more than a little transparent. I thought maybe the election would change this, but once again Bush and Co. places politics before good government.

Secondly, it says a lot about the administration's approach to foreign policy when it comes to weighing militaristic versus diplomatic options. National Security Advisor is a mostly military gig, and the Secretary of State is at least supposed to be diplomatic. Moving the former into the job of the latter definitely shows how little regard this administration holds for diplomacy.


Blogger Shaun said...

But some of my best friends are black!

Seriously, though, my point on race comes from the immediacy of the decision. There was no period of deliberation and no other possible candidates announced. Also, NSA and Sec. of State are fundamentally different jobs. No one's saying Rice isn't intelligent or experienced, but this is isn't a matter of overall ability, it's a matter of being the best person for that particular job. NSA to Sec. of State strikes me as a bizarre transition, so I have to think something else is at play, and in this case, it smacks of political pandering.

I got a lot of "race card" accusations during the campaign, too, whenever I tried to talk about voter suppression, and I tell you, it rolls off my back. If I think something is up with race, I'm going to call attention to it because racial justice is something that I feel is important. So if that's playing the race card, you can just call me Johnnie Cochran.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Shaun said...

I don't know if the example of Kissinger is the best way to refute my claim that NSA's shouldn't be Secretaries of State...

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh.. yeah. I like chicken. And grape drink. So I guess I could learn to like rice, too.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Shaun said...

Whoever could that Anonymous person be?

9:50 PM  
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7:28 PM  

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